
Are you always embarrassed about removing your shoes because they smell? Do you always hide your feet from others’ view? We discuss some of the most common problems that affect our most used and abused appendages, and how to fix them.

Problem: Smelly shoes
What it is: No need to explain; we’ve all experienced it at some point.
Why you have it: Odour-causing bacteria thrive in dark, damp spaces, making your sweaty shoes an ideal environment.
How to get rid of it: Wear socks made of natural fibres and alternate between different pairs of shoes daily to give them time to dry. You can also spray them with Dettol or a special shoe spray designed to exterminate odour, sprinkle them with medicated foot powder or baking powder or simply pop them in a resealable bag and stick it in the freezer overnight. “The cold temperature will kill most odour-causing bacteria.

Problem: Smelly feet
What it is: Phew! Even if you throw your shoes out of the window, the smell won’t go away.
Why you have it: Most of the time, smelly feet are caused by infection. Tell-tale signs include yellow nails, blisters, flaky dry skin, peeling, itchy skin, rashes and red or white rough patches.
How to get rid of it: If you spot any of these, make an appointment with a doctor. The problem will only get worse if left untreated. If, however, your feet look okay but they just smell of rotten fish, there are some simple steps you can take: Lather up and scrub in between your toes when you shower; then let them dry off completely. Dust them with a deodorising foot powder or cornstarch to absorb moisture, or spray some deodorant/antiperspirant.

Problem: Corns and calluses
What it is: A callus generally refers to a more diffuse thickening of the skin, whereas a corn is thicker and more focalised. Most of the time the problem is just aesthetic, but sometimes it’s painful, infected and won’t stop getting bigger. If that’s the case, see a skin specialist.

Why you have it: Corns and calluses are the result of skin thickening in response to excessive pressure from tight footwear, for example, usually in combination with some friction.
How to get rid of it: After showering, use a pumice stone or foot file. Gently rub the toughened skin in one direction; if you go back and forth aggressively, you’ll just rip the skin and make it rougher. A special foot moisturiser with lactic acid, urea or alpha hydroxy acid should be used on a daily basis.

Problem: Fungus
What it is: Fungal infections of the feet (like athlete’s foot) can cause dry skin, redness, blisters, itching and peeling. Toenail fungus causes thick, brittle, discoloured yellow nails that can be painful under pressure.
Why you have it: The warm, dark and moist environment in our shoes is the ideal place for fungus to grow. Sometimes it can spread to the nail. An injury from football, for instance, can create a damaged portion of the toenail where fungus can easily get in.
How to get rid of it: Try an over-the-counter anti-fungal powder or cream, but if you don’t see results within two to four weeks, visit your doctor, who might prescribe an oral medicine. To prevent infections, keep your feet clean and dry by wiping down the area between your toes after showering and changing your shoes and socks regularly.

Problem: Ingrown toenails
What it is: Skin on the side of the toenail gets irritated causing swelling, odour, pain and redness.
Why you have it: We’d make a bet you were a little too aggressive with that nail trimmer.
How to get rid of it: Cut your nails in a gently rounded shape, and avoid hacking into the corners. If the skin does become inflamed, try soaking the toe for 10 to 15 minutes in warm water with Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) three times daily. If it’s not improving, you may need antibiotics or even a procedure to remove the offending portion of the nail.

Problem: Dried, cracked heels
What it is: The skin around the edges of the heel thickens. Sometimes it cracks, which can be pretty painful, especially if the cracks are deep enough and get infected.
Why you have it: From going barefoot or wearing sandals or flip-flops regularly.
How to get rid of it: Once your skin softens in the shower, use a foot file or pumice stone regularly. After toweling dry, lather on a good moisturiser. Do so right before bed and wear a pair of socks so the moisture will penetrate your feet while you sleep.