
Fit celebrities and nutritionists alike will tell you that green tea is a vital part of a healthy diet. Ever wondered what makes this beverage such a big hit? For starters, a cup of green tea contains as little as 2 calories which makes it ideal for weight-watchers. Here are other reasons to start with your green cuppa today.

Fights cancer: Green tea is full of antioxidants which help in preventing various kinds of cancers. Antioxidants avert the damage caused by free radicals (molecules produced when the body breaks down food or due to smoking, drinking, etc) by attacking them before they can damage healthy cells. This in turn protects the body from various ailments.

Keeps heart healthy: Drinking green tea regularly can help you keep heart ailments like stroke at bay. This is because it lowers the bad cholesterol in your body and prevents blockage around the arteries.

Aids in weight loss: It is a low-calorie drink no doubt. But it is also good for your metabolism as it increases it which means you burn more calories faster. It also stimulates the nervous system which enhances the fat-burning process. Team it with 30 minutes of daily exercise and right diet and you are sure to get a toned body.

Slows skin ageing
: Since green tea has antioxidants, it slows down the ageing process and makes your skin look youthful. The skin shows signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, etc when it is not well-hydrated and as one nears menopause. In order to combat this, drink green tea daily which will reduce the appearance of lines by boosting collagen production.

Regulates blood sugar levels: Diabetics often have to worry about the spike in their blood sugar levels after a meal. Drinking green tea will regulate as it has polyphenols and polysaccharides which are effective in lowering these levels. According to researchers, a polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallete (EGCG) inhibits the production of glucose in the liver in turn lowering the blood sugar levels.

How to make green tea

Switch to green tea for your health’s sake. A cup in the morning or before bed is ideally recommended but you can have it any time according to your preference. Here’s how you can make a perfect cup of green tea:

Boil water in a vessel. Now add one teaspoon of green tea leaves in it. (If you are making more than one cup, add one tsp for every cup). Let the leaves boil for 2-3 minutes at least and then turn off the gas.

Place a sieve over the cup and strain the water in it. Now add a spoon of honey in it. You can also add a dash of lemon for that extra zing. Mix well and enjoy.

These days, there are green teabags available in the market in various flavours including mint, lemon, etc. You can use these too. Just place the teabag in the cup and add hot water. Let it settle for 2-3 minutes and then add honey and enjoy your tea.